
Gillian Frank received his PhD in American Studies from Brown University. He received his undergraduate training at York University in Toronto Canada. Gillian specializes in the overlapping histories of sexuality, gender, race and religion.

Want to explore the history of sexuality with Gillian? Tune in to his podcast Sexing History, which explores how the history of sexuality has shaped our present.

Previously, Gillian was an ACLS Faculty Fellow at Stony Brook University, a Visiting Fellow at Princeton University’s Center for the Study of Religion and a postdoctoral research fellow at UVA. His work has appeared in a number of scholarly venues including American Jewish HistoryJournal of the History of SexualityGender and History and Journal of Religion and Popular Culture. His writing can also be found in public facing venues including Slate, Jezebel, Time, The Forward, The Washington Post, and Nursing Clio.

Gillian is involved in a number of social and political causes from voting rights to reproductive rights. A proud Canadian living abroad, he is the named applicant in the path-setting Supreme Court of Canada case, Frank v Canada (2019). This decision led to the enfranchisement of over a million Canadian citizens living abroad.

You can download his CV here.